Whole-preson development courses


Course Introductions:

Starting from 2022, Departments of The Center for Holistic Education have begun to implement the whole-person development program.

Course Title Grade Required/Selective Course Credits Remarks
Exploring and Implementing Social Issues Freshman Required
1st semester: 1
2nd semester: 1
Recognized as a social analysis course (W group)
International Learning Sophomore Required 1st semester: 2 Recognized as a Global Perspectives course (Group T)
Team Development Senior Required
1st semester: 0
2nd semester: 1
Recognized as an extracurricular activity
and team development course (K group)

"Exploring and Implementing Social Issues" Course.

The course is a required freshman year course with task-based learning as its core. Students are required to complete a variety of tasks chosen by the lead instructor that are related to current social issues during the academic year. In the 2022 semester, 16 topics have been selected, "Neighborhood," "After-school Counseling," "SDGs Narrative Writing," "Dark Tourism (Historically Scarred Sites)," "Leave No Trace," "Indigenous Social Issues," "Knowing New Immigrants," "Guide Dogs and Friendly Campus," "Aging Society and Home Care," " Open Source Code Movement (Digital Democracy)," as well as topics such as glass ceilings in the workplace, homosexuality, transgenderism, and gender identity.  Students choose their topics according to their interests and learn independently, using social exploration, social experience, lecture participation, and school activities to complete tasks and enhance their understanding of social issues and participation in practice.

"International Studies" course.

This required sophomore year course is designed to help students understand the meaning of international studies and to prepare them for their junior year abroad. The instructor invites speakers to discuss various topics related to international learning, such as introducing the cultures of different countries and societies, adapting to and embracing cultural differences, basic international etiquette, the sharing of study abroad experiences, designing travel experiences to explore local customs and practices, and documenting international learning experiences through photos and writing. Afterward, students will complete their own application for studying abroad in their junior year and share their study abroad experience.

"Team Development" course.

 This is a senior-year required course with task-based learning as its core. At the beginning of the semester, students must form teams and, under the guidance of the instructor or college tutor, complete tasks such as setting project objectives, planning and executing the project, and presenting the results before graduation. Through this process, students will learn problem-solving and communication skills, and attempt to integrate the concepts of participation (certification A), execution (certification B), and implementation (certification C) into the activity.

Simultaneously, to strengthen the connection with SDGs/sustainable development/USR, the tasks and their objectives should be linked to the USR plan of our university or professional knowledge-based service-learning courses or volunteer teams recognized by the Center for Holistic Education. However, if the project objectives are related to entrepreneurship or competitions, they may be handled on a case-by-case basis.

●Course Information: “Exploring and Implementing Social Issues” 2022 Course Topics

編號 專題名稱
1 社區探訪 (Neighborhood)
2 小阿德課後音樂律動教室 (After School Care)
3 SDGs 主題敍事書寫(SDGs Narrative Writing I)
4 SDGs 主題敍事書寫Ⅱ (SDGs Narrative Writing )
5 台灣黯黑旅遊 (Dark Tourism in Taiwan)
6 無痕山林的永續議題 (Leave No Trace)
7 原住民族社會困境議題初探 (Indigenous Social Issues)
8 新移民在台北 (Knowing New Immigrants)
9 我的導盲犬與友善校園 (Guide Dog & Friendly Campus)
10 高齡社會與居家照顧議題初探 (Aging Society & Home Care)
11 開源運動在台灣 (Open Source Movement in Taiwan)
12 科技業中的女力與困境 (Female Power in Technology Industry)
13 多元文化中的性別議題初探(同性戀族群) (Homosexual Issues)
14 多元文化中的性別議題初探(Part II-跨性別族群) (Transgender Issues)
15 性別平等議題探索與實踐:性別友善空間 (Gender Friendly)
16 性別平等議題探索與實踐:打破性別刻板印象 (Gender Equality)